I inherited my Dad's Canon T70 35mm camera many years ago and decided to take it with me on a visit to Lake Mead with my Mom when I visited a few years ago. I took the following shot on black and white film having NO IDEA the shot would turn out like it did.

When I reviewed the negatives, I felt this image had an ethereal quality about it. As if the fish were just hanging in full suspension, waiting to tell you which way the rabbit with the pocket watch went. It was images like this that made me go nuts about photography. The awesome part about burning film was the absolute surprise when seeing something like this.

This was taken a little while back as well. The cat, recently passed, was named Faith by my old friend and lesbotronic associate Cameo. Faith was an adorable kitten and grew up into a well adjusted cat, surprisingly. Like any photographer at home, pictures of pets and children fill the drives and I am not immune...especially having a daughter gallivanting throughout the home.
It took a lot of patience to shoot film. Since I switched to a digital format a few years ago, I find my patience has been dwindling and my desire to shoot film falling down that same path. I wish time allowed me to continue, but all I can hope is to keep my skills fresh until retirement and then I can finally build that stellar dark room and get to printing. I enjoy working with my hands to the point where I could throw Photoshop into a trashcan and get to cracking on an enlarger without feeling bad about spending a CRAP TON on software. Lucky for me, I don't know how to use Photoshop, so it makes my eye a little more discerning when I decide to shoot.
I feel I'm tooting again, time to stop for tonight. More later.
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