Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This Gent!

This guy I haven't seen around lately. I took this picture well over a year ago at Balboa Park in the street on the way to the big fountain.

He was playing a classic rock tune and he wasn't just strumming all the strings with his left foot...he was actually picking stings. I'd be lucky if I can even pick up a pen off the floor with my feet.

I took a couple of shots and then looked away from the viewfinder to see everyone looking at me in some sort of expectation or something. I didn't have ANY cash on me and neither did Charlotte (who was with me, obviously). I felt like such an ass taking advantage of him for a shot and not paying the customary couple of dollars for giving me that moment.

Needless to say, I carry a bunch of singles with me when I shoot these days.

Shot with a Canon T70 and I *think* my old 70-210mm f3.5 on Kodak BW400 CN.


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